商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:shuanghuan0225.qy6.com 供应 F11-150-HF-SV-T-OOO 船用起升马达_泉州市双环凿岩科技有限公司
联系人:陈胜 先生 (销售代表)
电 话:0595-28767805
手 机:18659732274


供应 F11-150-HF-SV-T-OOO 船用起升马达








F11 and F12 are bent axis, ?xed displacement heavy-duty motor/pump series. They can be used in numerous applications in both open and closed loop circuits.

The laminated piston ring offers important advantages such as low internal leakage and thermal shock resi-stance.

Series F11 is available in the following frame sizes and versions:

The pump version has highly engineered valve plates for increased selfpriming speed and low noise, avai-lable with left and right hand rotation.

- F11-5, -10, -12, -14, -19 and -150 with CETOP mounting ?ange and shaft end

The F11/F12 motors produce very high torque at start-up as well as at low speeds.

- F11-10, -12 and -14 with ISO ?ange and shaft

Our unique timing gear design synchronizes shaft and cylinder barrel, making the F11/F12 very tolerant to high 'G' forces and torsional vibrations.

- F11-10, -12, -14, -19, -150 and -250 with SAE ?ange and shaft

Series F12 conforms to current ISO and SAE mounting ?ange and shaft end con?gurations. A very compact cartridge version is also available.

派克汉尼汾液压马达广泛应用于 工矿行业上面的凿岩机、破碎机、挖机等等高压高运作设备之上,欢迎致电详询 获取资料 确认价格。


0595-2876-7805 186-597-32-274

Q 4080-115-92

陈胜 先生 (销售代表)  
电  话: 0595-28767805
传  真: 0595-28767890
移动电话: 18659732274
公司地址: 中国福建泉州市鲤城区展览城二期A座
邮  编: 362000
公司主页: http://shuanghuan0225.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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泉州市双环凿岩科技有限公司 公司地址:中国福建泉州市鲤城区展览城二期A座
陈胜 先生 (销售代表) 电话:0595-28767805 传真:0595-28767890
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